This week, with news about China's growing economic and military strength and the Iraq War coming to a symbolic end, the American political debate focused on one issue: the "Ground Zero Mosque." This debate has resulted in inflammatory and extreme rhetoric from the far right that many have rightfully called "Islam-bashing." This hate-filled rhetoric has been answered by moderate and principled conservatives - including Grover Norquist, Kathleen Parker and Joe Scarborough - who all came to the defense of American values and ideals. National security experts spoke out this week with another message: anti-Islamic rhetoric is not only against American values but against our security interests. From helping extremist groups recruit, to pushing away our most important allies, to hurting America's image, phrases like "unhelpful to the American fighting men and women," "like offering your opponent two or three whips with which to beat you," and "may contribute to the next homegrown terrorist attack" underscore the depth of their concern.