The dual threats of nuclear terrorism and nuclear proliferation are at the top of the national security agenda for the United States and its allies. As a result, the U.S. is leading international efforts to both prevent nuclear terrorism and to stop the spread of nuclear weapons. In particular, the Administration advanced three significant initiatives this month - the new Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) with Russia, the new U.S. Nuclear Posture Review (NPR), and the recent Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) - in order to address these threats. These efforts will serve to reverse the worsening state of the global nonproliferation regime, help to deal effectively with proliferators, such as Iran and North Korea, and focus the global community on preventing vulnerable nuclear materials falling into the hands of terrorists. Not surprisingly however, extreme conservatives continue to ignore the advice and support of America's military and national security leaders, choosing instead to mischaracterize this comprehensive approach for short term political gain at the expense of our country's long term security.