AUDIO RELEASE: Sen. Jack Reed, Retired Military Discuss Politics and Policies of Foreign Policy Debate
Tonight in Florida, the presidential debate on foreign policy will be the last big chance for the candidates to prove to the American people theirs is the right path for U.S. foreign policy. On a press call with the National Security Network, Sen. Jack Reed (D-RI), Maj. Gen. (ret) Paul D. Eaton, Dr. Lawrence Korb and Jon Soltz explored the contrasts between President Obama’s steady leadership on terrorism, Iran, Libya, the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, Pentagon spending, and China with Romney’s rhetoric and repackaging of Bush-Cheneyisms. In drawing the contrast, the speakers emphasized a lesser noticed trend in support of progressive foreign policy principles that better balance the three elements of American power: diplomacy, economy and military. LISTEN to the call here. READ call transcriptions… Read More ›