Rachel Queirolo

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Rachel Queirolo

RQ4Rachel Queirolo

Director of Development and Outreach

As Director of Development and Outreach, Rachel Queirolo works to diversify and sustain a healthy funding base, strengthen relationships with foundations, individuals, and corporations, and deepen NSN’s fundraising infrastructure. Prior to joining the NSN team, Rachel worked at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in the Office of Marketing where she focused on program management and direct response fundraising with the Museum’s member donors. Rachel started her fundraising career as a Development Associate in Washington’s first progressive multi-issue policy think tank, Institute for Policy Studies. Earlier on, Rachel also worked as a Program Associate in the Institute’s international human trafficking and domestic worker rights program, with a global focus on low-income women of color. Rachel holds a B.A. in Politics and Russian and Eurasian Studies from Mount Holyoke College.

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J. Dana Stuster