NSN Urges Congress to Vote “NO” on NDAA
NSN Urges Congress to Vote “NO” on NDAA November 4, 2015 Dear Senator: The undersigned human rights, civil liberties, national security, and religious organizations write to strongly urge you to vote “NO” on the latest version of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 (NDAA). The harmful and unwarranted transfer restrictions in the current version of the bill will make closing the Guantanamo detention facility much more difficult and continue the practice of indefinite detention without charge or trial. We ask you to vote against the latest version of the bill. In his Veto Message, President Obama stated that by failing “to remove the unwarranted restrictions on the transfer of detainees…[the NDAA] seeks to impose more onerous [restrictions].” Further, the president made clear… Read More ›