Heather Hurlburt Interviewed by Voice of America on Condoleezza Rice, Foreign Policy & GOP Convention
Republican Convention Builds Towards Climax
By Alex Villarreal
August 30, 2012 | Voice
of America
Former secretary of state Condoleezza Rice echoed McCain’s comments, calling uncertainty over where America stands the “question of the hour.”
“If we are not inspired to lead again, one of two things will happen. Either no one will lead and there will be chaos, or someone will fill the vacuum who does not share our values. My fellow Americans, we do not have a choice. We cannot be reluctant to lead, and you cannot lead from behind,” Rice said.
But Heather Hurlburt, executive director of the Democratic-leaning National Security Network, says the vision of the U.S. as an active agent of liberty has already been tested and failed. She said it was surprising to see Rice front and center at the convention.
“It was quite extraordinary to see the chief foreign policy voice at the convention being taken by the person who as much as anyone is identified with the failed organization, planning and thinking that led up to the Iraq war and also to the early missteps in Afghanistan that really wasted the good things that U.S. troops did at first on the ground in 2002,” Hurlburt said.
Even some within the Republican Party are concerned. Texas delegate Tom Pauken, a former member of the Reagan administration, says he hopes the current approach to dealing with Islamic extremism will not be continued in a Romney administration.
“I would like to see us get away from this policy of excessive military interventionism. I think we’ve made the problem of radicalism worse rather than better by the policies that have been pursued by this administration and the previous administration,” Pauken said.
Before Wednesday, foreign policy had largely taken a back seat to the economy at the convention, and it is not likely to be a focus on Thursday.
Romney, a former governor of the state of Massachusetts, will use his speech to reintroduce himself to the nation and build the case for his candidacy.
Hawaii delegate Lauren Berghell is optimistic.
“Governor Romney has so much experience, especially working with deficits and debt and turning it into surplus, and he knows what it’s like to work in the private sector. He’s a businessman, and I feel like he has the experience and the will to move America forward,” Berghell said.
After the Republicans wrap up their convention Thursday night, all eyes will turn to Charlotte, North Carolina where President Obama will receive the official nomination of his Democratic Party.
For original piece, click here.