Advisory Board Member Daniel Benjamin on Sen. Schumer, Iran Deal
NSN Advisory Board Member Daniel Benjamin on Sen. Schumer, Iran Deal
Daniel Benjamin: Schumer’s unconvicing argument
August 12, 2015 | NY Daily News
Sen. Chuck Schumer owes us more.
Although in the statement explaining his opposition to the nuclear deal with Iran, he adopts a Solomonic pose and recounts that he has engaged in “deep study, careful thought and considerable soul-searching,” Schumer’s reasoning is seriously flawed on key issues. He avoids issues that need to be faced squarely, and he delivers judgments that do not hold up under scrutiny.
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Is Iran About to Unleash a Wave of Terrorism Against the United States?
August 13, 2015 | Foreign Policy
Yes, some of the potential $150 billion windfall coming to Tehran will help support Assad. But it isn’t quite as dangerous as opponents of the deal are making it out to be.
Just last week, David Brooks warned in his New York Times column that “Iran will use its $150 billion windfall to spread terror around the region,” echoing numerous U.S. legislators who were themselves echoing former CIA director Mike Hayden’s comment, “that an absolutely inevitable byproduct of the deal would be to strengthen the Iranians in doing all these other things that are causing us such great grief throughout the Middle East and Persian Gulf.” Sen. Mark Kirk (R-IL), expressed his concerns to the Daily Beast: “if under a final deal, as reports are indicating, the Iranian regime gets as much as $150 billion back [in] sanctions relief payments, even more money will be freed up for Iran to export aggression and support terrorists targeting the United States, Israel and other allies.” Even Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz’s loopy claim that Barack Obama’s administration “will become the world’s leading state sponsor and financier of radical Islamic terrorism” still reverberates.
Indeed, this claim that that nuclear pact will result in a record-setting spate of terrorist attacks has been leveled so frequently and countered so poorly by the White House — which seems locked into talking points that focus solely on the agreement’s value on the nuclear front — that it has become Beltway gospel.